Welcome to the Center for Research on Globalization, Peace, and Democratic Governance (GLODEM). GLODEM is an academic and policy-oriented research center based at Koc University, Istanbul.

The purpose of GLODEM is to analyze dynamics of domestic and international economic and political interactions relevant to its three areas of expertise: globalization and political economy; peace and conflict resolution; and democratic governance. These dynamics include international finance and investment; new and ongoing conflicts; and evolving contexts of governance in established, emerging, and eroding democracies.

GLODEM engages academia, public agencies, private entities, and civil society organizations relevant to its areas of expertise. This engagement enables GLODEM to support meaningful, relevant research and analysis. This engagement also positions GLODEM as a central source of information and recommendations.


  • GLODEM became a partner of the UK’s top political economy research institute, Sheffield Political Economy Research Institute (SPERI).
  • Caner Bakir joined the international advisory board for the series, Studies in the Political Economy of Public Policy (SPEPP) published by Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Caner Bakir serves as a member of The Harold Lasswell Prize Committee for the best article in Policy Sciences, and the Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis Best Article Award Committee.
  • GLODEM Co-Director Caner Bakir has been appointed as National Member of the Management Committee of the COST Action CA15207 Professionalization and Social Impact of European Political Science representing Türkiye.
  • GLODEM’s co-director, Reşat Bayer, was a speaker at the First Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Member States Conference on Mediation, titled “Surge in Mediation: The Role of the OIC,” in Istanbul on 21 November 2017. He was invited to speak on the session entitled “Perspectives on the Role of Regional Organizations in Mediation.” The Conference was hosted by Türkiye.

Recent Events


Name:  David Carter-Associate Professor, University of Washington at Saint Louis

Title: Systemic Instability and the Emergence of Border Disputes

Date:  June 24 2019 – MONDAY

Place: CASE Z-48

Time: 10:00


Although much evidence shows that territorial disputes fundamentally shape relations among states, we know surprisingly little about when territorial claims are made. We argue that revisionist states have incentive to make territorial claims when the great powers that manage the system are in crisis. We identify five main sources of systemic instability and develop measures of…

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Revisiting the developmental state: the ‘Beijing Consensus’ & prospects for democratic development in China and beyond

Ziya Önis, Professor of International Political Economy, Koç University

Whether China liberalises politically, as the original ‘Asian Tigers’ did, or maintains its authoritarian approach is an issue with theoretical and practical implications that resonate well beyond China’s own immediate development challenges

A controversial issue in the longstanding debate on the developmental state concerns the relationship and the possible compatibility of rapid economic and industrial transformation with a democratic form of governance.

Many scholars contributing to the debate were more concerned about how highly centralised and cohesive states with significant ‘embedded autonomy’ were able to facilitate rapid industrialisation based on…

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