GLODEM Center of Koc University

Welcome to the Center for Research on Globalization, Peace, and Democratic Governance (GLODEM). GLODEM is an academic and policy-oriented research center based at Koc University, Istanbul.

The purpose of GLODEM is to analyze dynamics of domestic and international economic and political interactions relevant to its three areas of expertise: globalization and political economy; public policy and administration, peace and conflict resolution; and democratic governance. These dynamics include international finance and investment; new and ongoing conflicts; and evolving contexts of governance in established, emerging, and eroding democracies.

GLODEM engages academia, public agencies, private entities, and civil society organizations relevant to its areas of expertise. This engagement enables GLODEM to support meaningful, relevant research and analysis. This engagement also positions GLODEM as a central source of information and recommendations.


  • GLODEM, as an invited Gold International Institutional Member of the Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis (JCPA) and the International Comparative Policy Analysis Forum (ICPA- Forum), participated in in Conference on the Celebration of the 25th Anniversary of Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice hosted by School of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China on April 19-21, 2024.

Recent Event

GLODEM Cumhuriyetin 100’üncü Yılı Semineri

Başlık: 21’inci Yüzyılda Kemalizm ve Cumhuriyet

Konuşmacı: Cem Gürdeniz, Emekli Tümamiral

Tarih: Perşembe, 16 Mayıs 2024

Saat: 17:15-18:15

Konum: CASE 127

Blog / Report

WG 4 Report: The Advisory Role of Political Scientists in Europe

Marleen Brans, Arco Timmermans & Athanassios Gouglas

This report focuses on the policy advisory roles of European political scientists, the central theme in the activities of WG 4. The report is structured as follows. First, we briefly introduce the Working Group 4 (WG 4) research agenda, and proceed with a short note on the design and properties of the survey. Second, we present the themes of WG 4. This includes the conceptual framework developed by WG 4 to analyse the different possible types of advisory activity of political scientists in Europe, as well as the main results of the survey part in which the advisory roles are addressed. The report ends with conclusions and recommendations.

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