China and Russia in High-Level Forums on Energy Governance

May 2, 2021

GLODEM Webinar Series

Center for Research on Globalization, Peace and Democratic Governance (GLODEM) based at Koç University, pursues to engage with academic research on globalization, regionalization, peace, public administration and politics and governance. GLODEM Virtual Seminar Series, initiated to discuss and analyze selected current topics from an academic perspective with the experts of the issues, now continues its sixth session with the title of “China and Russia in high-level forums on energy governance”. The event will be moderated by Güneş Ertan with the participation of Jale Tosun on May 7, 2021, Friday at 1 pm.

GLODEM invites you to the Webinar Series.

Date: May 7, 2021

Time: 1pm – 2.30pm.

Speaker: Jale Tosun, Heidelberg University

Moderator: Güneş Ertan, Koç University

Zoom registration link: (advance registration required)


Title: China and Russia in high-level forums on energy governance

Summary: This study investigates the participation of China and Russia in the Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM).  In which policy initiatives have these two countries participated? In which initiatives have they taken the lead? Building on the club theory and international relations literature, we approach the research questions by offering an in-depth analysis of the policy dynamics inside the CEM. From a theoretical viewpoint, we posit that China has been more active in the CEM than Russia, which our empirical analysis confirms. However, Russia has also been involved in several CEM initiatives. Concerning leadership, China has demonstrated a greater interest in playing that role than Russia. We conclude that, overall, China makes a better strategic use of the CEM in terms of gathering information and developing networks with other member states as well as private actors in order to implement measures for overcoming the challenges of clean energy transition.

Biography: Jale Tosun is Professor at the Institute of Political Science, Heidelberg University. Her research interests comprise a wide range of topics in comparative public policy, international and comparative political economy, European integration, public administration, and risk governance. She has published widely on these issues, for instance in the European Journal of Political Research, the Journal of Common Market Studies, and the Journal of European Public Policy. She has authored the books Environmental Policy Change in Emerging Market Democracies: Eastern Europe and Latin America ComparedRisk Regulation in Europe: Assessing the Application of the Precautionary Principle, and with Christoph Knill co-authored Public Policy: A New Introduction.


The event will be held in English via Zoom.

Please visit the link below to register for the event.