GLODEM Member Monographs

GLODEM member publications’ represent notable breadth in terms of the topics they address, especially in terms of Turkish and regional issues.

The following are examples of recent publications of the Co-Directors and Executive Board members.



Caner Bakir Sample of Recent Publications
Articles Bakir, C. and Gunduz, A. (2020). “The importance of policy entrepreneurs in developing countries: A systematic review and future research agenda“, Public Administration and Development (in press).

Bakir, C. and Coban, K. (2019). “How Can a Seemingly Weak State in the Financial Services Industry Act Strong? The Role of Organizational Policy Capacity in Monetary and Macroprudential Policy”, New Perspectives on Türkiye (in press).

Bakir, C. (2019). “Actions, Contexts, Mechanisms and Outcomes in Macroprudential Policy Design and Implementation“, Public Policy and Administration (in press).

Bakir, C. (2019). “How do mega-bank merger policy and regulations contribute to financial stability? Evidence from Australia and Canada”, Journal of Economic Policy Reform 22:1, 1-15.

Bakir, C. (2018). “How do mega-bank merger policy and regulations contribute to financial stability? Evidence from Australia and Canada”, Journal of Economic Policy Reform (accepted).

Bakir, C. (2017). “Policy learning and policy change: learning from research citations”, Policy and Society, (accepted).

Bakir, C. and Jarvis, D. (2017). “Contextualising the Context in Policy Entrepreneurship and Institutional Change”. Policy and Society, (accepted).

Bakir, C. and Gunduz, A. (2017). “When, Why and How Institutional Change Takes Place and Policy Entrepreneurship Matters in Macroeconomic Bureaucracies: A Systematic Review and a Future Research Agenda”, Policy and Society, (accepted).

Bakir, C. (2017). “How can interactions among interdependent structures, institutions, and agents inform financial stability? What we have still to learn from global financial crisis”, Policy Sciences, 50(2): 217-239

Bakir, C. and Jarvis, D. (2017) “Institutional Entrepreneurship and Policy Change”. Policy and Society (forthcoming).

Bakir, C. (2017). “How can interactions among interdependent structures, institutions, and agents inform financial stability? What we have still to learn from global financial crisis”, Policy Sciences, 50(2): 217-239.

Bakir, C. and Woo, J.J. (2016). Institutional and Policy Design for the Financial Sector”, Policy and Society, 35, 193-282.

Bakir, C. (2016). Special Section on “Emerging Country Multinationals”, International Relations Journal. 13(49): 61-130

Bakir, C. and Woo, J.J. (2016). Bakir, C. and Woo, J.J. (2016). “Financial sector reform and policy design in an age of instability”Policy and Society, 35(3), 193-204.

Books and Book Chapters Yagci, M. and Bakir, C. (forthcoming). Cin’in Ekonomik Yukselisi ve Turkiye: Kuresel Donusumler, Ekonomide ve Dis Politikada Yansimalar[The Economic Rise of China and Türkiye: Global Transformations, and Reflections on Economic and Foreign Policies] Istanbul: Koc University Press.

Bakir, C. and Ertan, G. (2018). Policy Analysis in Türkiye. Bristol: University of Bristol Policy Press. (forthcoming)

Bakir, C. and Jarvis, D. (2017). Institutional Entrepreneurship and Policy Change. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan. (forthcoming)

Brenan, L., and Bakir, C. (2016). Emerging Market Multinationals in Europe. London: Routledge. (Routledge Advances in International Political Economy).

Bakir, C. (2016). Dunyayla Is Yapanlar: Kuresellesme Surecinde Turk Cokuluslulari (Doing Global Business: Turkish Multinationals in the Globalisation Process).. Istanbul: Koc University Press. (in Turkish in Press)

Bakir, C. (2016). Dunyayla Is Yapanlar: Kuresellesme Surecinde Turk Cokuluslulari (Doing Global Business: Turkish Multinationals in the Globalisation Process).. Istanbul: Koc University Press. (in Turkish in Press).

Güneş Ertan Sample of Recent Publications
“Omission and Commission Errors in Network Cognition and Network Estimation using ROC Curve” (with Deniz Yenigun and Michael Siciliano), Social Networks, 2017, 50, 26-34 .

”The Roots of Community Resilience: A Comparative Analysis of Structural Change in Four Gulf Coast Hurricane Response Networks”(with Thomas Haase and Louise Comfort), 2017 Homeland Security Affairs , Forthcoming.

Determinants of Interpersonal Trust in Türkiye (In Turkish)” (with Erdem Aytac and Ali Carkoglu). METU Development Studies 2017, 44 (1).

“Risk, Profit, Safety: Sociotechnical Systems under Stress”(with Louise Comfort, Burcak Basbug, and Jungwon Yeo). Safety Science, 2016, 88, 199–210.

Sedef Turper Sample of Recent Publications
Articles “Fearing what? Vignette experiments on anti-immigrant sentiments” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 43:11 (2017), pp. 1792–1812.

With K. Aarts, “Political Trust and Sophistication: Taking Measurement Seriously” Social Indicators Research, 130:1 (2017), pp. 415–434.

With P. Esaiasson and A.K. Kölln, “External Efficacy and Perceived Responsiveness—Similar but Distinct Concepts” International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 27:3 (2015), pp. 432–445.

With S. Iyengar, K. Aarts and M. van Gerven “Who is Less Welcome?: The Impact of Individuating Cues on Attitudes towards Immigrants” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 41:2 (2015), pp. 239–259.

Book Chpts “Public Opinion and Public Policy in Türkiye” in Caner Bakır and Güneş Ertan (eds.) Policy Analysis in Türkiye, Policy Press. Forthcoming
Ahmet İçduygu Sample of Recent Publications
Critical Reflections in Migration Research: Views from the South and the North Koç University Press, Istanbul, 2015 (edited with Ayşem Biriz Karaçay)

Rethinking Migration and Integration: Bottom-up Responses to Neoliberal Global Challenges Isis Publication, Istanbul, 2015 (edited with Gülru Göker)

Negotiating Readmission Agreement between the EU and Türkiye: Two-to-Tango European Journal of Migration and Law, 16(3), 2014 (with Damla B. Aksel)

Turkish Migration Policies: A Critical Historical Retrospective Perceptions, Autumn, 18(3), 2013, pp. 167-190 (with Damla B. Aksel)

Turks in Europe: Migration Flows, Migrant Stocks and Demographic Structure European Review, 21(3), 2013, pp. 349-361 (with Heinz Fassmann).

Burak Gürel Sample of Recent Publications
Articles Weigang Gong, Meng Zhu, Burak Gürel, and Tian Xie, “The lineage theory of the regional variation of individualism/collectivism in China,” Frontiers in Psychology, DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.596762 (Forthcoming).

Burak Gürel, “Historical roots, current manifestations, and future prospects of fascism in India,” Revolutionary Marxism 2020, 2020, pp. 103-147.

Burak Gürel, “Semi-private landownership and capitalist agriculture in contemporary China,” Review of Radical Political Economics, 2019, DOI: 10.1177/0486613419849683

Burak Gürel, “The role of collective mobilization in the divergent performance of the rural economies of China and India (1950-2005),” The Journal of Peasant Studies, Vol. 46, No. 5, 2019, pp. 1021-1046, DOI: 10.1080/03066150.2018.1434773

Burak Gürel, Bermal Küçük, and Sercan Taş, “The rural roots of the rise of the Justice and Development Party in Türkiye,” The Journal of Peasant Studies, Vol. 46, No. 3, 2019, pp. 457-479, DOI: 10.1080/03066150.2018.1552264​

Weigang Gong and Burak Gürel, “Project-based state intervention and agrarian change in contemporary China: The case of rice production in Pingwan county, Hunan,” Rural China, Vol. 16, No. 2, 2019, pp. 312-333, DOI: 10.1163/22136746-01602006

Burak Gürel and Mina Kozluca, “The unrest and relative empowerment of the working class in contemporary China,” METU Studies in Development, Vol. 46, No. 2, 2019, pp. 203-226.

Burak Gürel, “Dispossession and development in the neoliberal era,” Ankara University SBF Journal, Vol. 74, No. 3, 2019, pp. 983-1001, DOI: 10.33630/ausbf.569746

Burak Gürel and Eylem Taylan, “Critique of the critics of Giovanni Arrighi’s Adam Smith in Beijing,” Alternative Politics, Vol. 11, No. 2, 2019, pp. 430-447.

Burak Gürel, “Classes and status groups in times of great transformation: Reading agrarian change in Çukurova through the lens of Yaşar Kemal,” Hacettepe University Journal of Faculty of Letters, Vol. 36, No. 2, 2019, pp. 209-220, DOI: 10.32600/huefd.433296

Bilge Merve Aktaş, Ilgım Veryeri Alaca, and Burak Gürel, “Connecting rural change and local crafts: Rebranding sock knitting in Yenikaraağaç,” METU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture, Vol. 36, No. 2, 2019, pp. 121-140, DOI: 10.4305/METU.JFA.2019.2.2

GLODEM Activity Publications

GLODEM activities have facilitated various publications. These publications include two in 2012-2013. GLODEM Special Edition in the Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies

The GLODEM Conference on Turkish-American Relations of March 2012 resulted in special issue Vol.15 No.2 (2013) of the Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, (indexed in SSCI) co-edited by Drs. Ziya Öniş and Şuhnaz Yılmaz.

Editorial Introduction “Türkiye-US Relations in an Age of Regional and Global Turmoil: Challenges and Prospects,” Ziya Öniş & Şuhnaz Yılmaz Pgs: 121-128, DOI: 10.1080/19448953.2013.775766
Contributions “New Directions in Türkiye-USA Relations,” Sabri Sayarı Pgs: 129-142
“The USA-Türkiye-Middle East: From the 20th Century to the Present,” Nur Bilge Pgs: 143-156
“The Middle East in Türkiye-USA Relations: Managing the Alliance” Meliha Benli Atunisik Pgs: 157-173
“Türkiye and the USA in a Biopolarizing Middle East” Lenore G. Martin Pgs: 175-188 
“Arab Uprisings and Completing Türkiye’s Regional Integration: Challenges and Opportunities for US-Turkish Relations,” Kemal Kirisci Pgs: 189-205
“Testing the Strength of the Turkish-American Strategic Relationship through NATO: Convergence or Divergence within the Alliance?” Tarık Oğuzlu Pgs: 207-222
“Türkiye’s Place in the Missile Shield” Mustafa Kibaroğlu Pgs: 223-236

GLODEM Conference Publication

The Global Financial Crisis and the Emerging World Order (Küresel Ekonmik Kriz Sonrasında Yeni Dünya Düzeni)

The Global Financial Crisis and the Emerging World Order (Küresel Ekonmik Kriz Sonrasında Yeni Dünya Düzeni) is the second 2013 publication resulting from GLODEM activities. The activities leading to this publication were two GLODEM Young Scholars workshops organized in June 2011 and January 2013, respectively.

The text’s co-editors are Fikret Şenses, Caner Bakır, and Ziya Öniş. The text’s sixteen chapters provide a comprehensive overview of the post-crisis global economy with emphasis on global governance, the United States, the US, Europe, BRICs, and near-BRIC Economies in Asia, Europe, and Latin America (including Türkiye). Importantly, the Turkish translation of the book will contribute to Turkish comparative political economy courses.