Title: Turkish Foreign Policy in an Age of Global and Regional Turmoil
Date: February 7, 2020 – Friday
Place: Sadberk Hanım Conference Room
Time: 15:00-17:30
Workshop on Turkish Foreign Policy Organized by the Department of International Relations and Center for Globalization, Peace and Democratic Governance at Koç University as Part of a joint Initiative with the London School of Economics
Session Chair: Şuhnaz Yılmaz (Koç University)
Tarık Oğuzlu (Antalya Bilim University)
“Making Sense of Turkish Foreign Policy in the Emerging World Order: Power, Interests or Identity?”
Katerina Dalacoura ( London School of Economics)
“Ankara’s Foreign Policy and Regional Order in the Middle East: What Does ‘the New’ Türkiye Want?”
Christopher Alden (London School of Economics) and Buğra Süsler (University College London)
“Türkiye and African Agency: Islam, Commercialism and Humanitarian Policy”.
Coffee Break: 16:15 – 16:30
Ziya Öniş (Koç University) and Mustafa Kutlay (City, University of London)
“Turkish Foreign Policy in a State of Flux: Domestic Politics and the Türkiye-Russia-USA-EU Quadrangle”
Şuhnaz Yılmaz and Belgin Şan Akça (Koç University)
“Energy Interdependence and Implications for Eurasia and Türkiye”